Who cen sell items on PrepBootstrap?

Any registed user, who presents a work, which is genuine and appealing, can post it on PrepBootstrap.

I want to sell my items - what are the steps?

The steps involved in this process are really simple. All you need to do is:

Sign up for an account
Activate your account
Go to the Themes section and upload your theme.
The next step is the approval step, which usually takes up to 72 hours.


There are a number of advantages, which you can benefit from, by selling your work on PrepBootstrap:

You make a flat 70% of each sale. This is a much higher rate than many similar sites.
Approval takes signifficantly less time than on many other sites. You are guaranteed to hear from us within 72 hours, instead of having to wait for weeks.
Immediate feedback from your customers for any bug reports or problems they might have.
Real-time sales tracking and advanced reporting capabilities.
You take advantage of the popularity of our site, to market your work.
In addition to everything listed above, our marketplace is a non-exclusive one. This means that you can sell your items to any additional number of marketplaces, increasing your earnings.